Ecohome is an environmental NGO with a 28-year history, founded in 1996.
Our values are sustainable development, democracy, human rights and gender equality.
Environmental justice is the focus of our work. It is important for us that all people realize their right to a healthy environment, have the tools to participate in making environmentally significant decisions, and receive up-to-date information about the state of the environment.
We actively cooperate with other public organizations and initiatives, including international ones. We are members of the Belarusian national youth council RADA, Coalition Clean Baltic, European ECO Forum, the Belarusian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, Climate Action Network EECCA, INFORSE-Europe.
On August 31, 2021, the legal entity Ecohome in Belarus was liquidated for political reasons. Nevertheless, the organization continues its activities under Lithuanian registration. The KGB of Belarus has recognized Ecohome as an extremist group, and our website and social media accounts are considered extremist materials.
It did not stop us. Our organization has carried on with its activities.
Our activities:
— Protection of citizens’ environmental rights;
— Anti-nuclear campaign and promotion of the renewable energy;
— Raising awareness among Belarusians about repression of eco-activists;
— UWEC: Working Group on the Environmental Consequences of War in Ukraine;
— Developing a “green” vision for the future of Belarus.
Read more about our activities in our yearly reports for 2021, 2022, and 2023.
Contact us:
EKODOM (ÖKOHAUS) stützt sich auf die Grundsätze der Demokratie und der nachhaltigen Entwicklung und schafft zusammen mit Gleichgesinnten eine harmonische Beziehung innerhalb sich selbst und herum, zu Hause, im Land, in der Welt, im Universum.
Ekodom działa na zasadach demokracji i rozwoju zrównoważonego i, wspolnie ze zwolennikami tych samych poglądów, tworzy harmonijne relacje wewnątrz i wokół nas, w domu i w kraju, na świecie, we wszechświecie.