Our yearly report on the activities of Ecohome in 2023 is out. What’s inside?

2023 has decided to make us even tougher, bringing more challenges, difficulties and global chaos. In such circumstances, it is very easy to lose yourself, to become confused, to abandon faith in the rightness of what you are doing, but we persevered. Ecohome continues its work for green and democratic future of Belarus.

Check our annual report in English to see a summary of our work in the following areas:

  • Monitoring and analysing the situation of ecoactivists and eco NGOs in Belarus
  • Solving environmental issues in Belarus
  • UWEC: environmental consequences of the war in Ukraine
  • Sustainable energy and the anti-nuclear campaign
  • «Green Belarus»: developing a vision for a sustainable future in Belarus
  • Promoting environmental protection

Unfortunately, Ecohome has remained almost the only voice of the independent Belarusian environmental community willing to speak publicly about what is happening in the country, about ecological violations and repression against eco-activists. I would like to express my gratitude to all those who supported us financially, provided us with information, and offered their expertise throughout the year. Without you, none of the work and achievements described in this report would have been possible on this scale. Together we can do more!

Karyna Salavei,
manager at Ecohome