Программа белорусско-немецко молодежного обмена ищет участников


Беларусско-Немецкий молодежный обмен “Работаем с последствиями” (“Dealing with The Aftermath“) — это совместная Программа немецкой организации БУНДюгенд Берлин  (молодежное отделение БУНД (Союза охраны природы и окружающей среды) федеральной земли Берлин) и беларуской общественной экологической организации “Экодом”.

Программа предполагает участие в мероприятиях на территории Беларуси и Германии. Участники вовлекаются в проблематику вопросов потребления, энергетики, устойчивого сельского хозяйства. Какова плата человечества за возрастающие потребности в еде, электричестве, различных товарах? Какие пути решения предлагают экологисты Беларуси и Германии?

Ознакомьтесь с описанием программы и условиями участия и воспользуйтесь ссылкой на форму регистрации в конце объявления для подачи заявки.

Внимание: заявки принимаются до 27.02.2015 20:00

Nutrition and electricity make part of the basic care of a person. To guarantee their constant availability is the purpose of the agriculture and energy industry. But the claim to a sufficient coverage leads to an extremely intense production that generates the desired amount of goods on the one side but a certain amount of unwelcome side effects on the other side.

What consequences of the mass production in energy industry and agriculture are to be foreseen?

Which are already apparent?

How do we, the enterprises and our states handle these consequences?

The government, the economy and the medias sketch different sceneries of what effects forms of generating nutrition and electricity have on the environment. So it can be helpful to form an opinion ourselves. On this basis we can find an independent point of view and become active.

Which ideas seem to be promising? Which ones not?

Many countries have to deal with similar problems. And the catastrophe of Tschernobyl showed us: The consequences of the mass production in energy industry don’t respect national borders. Although the accident has been at a Ukrainian nuclear power plant most of the contaminated areas are situated in Belarus.

That’s why we want to take a close look on consequences, alternatives and possible solutions of conventional energy industry and agriculture during our Belarusian-German youth exchange “Dealing with The Aftermath“. And you are invited to join us!

At the same time, we want to put emphasis on the intercultural aspects of this exchange: We want to discover new worlds, we want to understand and laugh at misunderstandings, see our country in a different light and a different country in the old light, we want to call our world view into question, sing songs, tell stories, have fun and do everything to make the farewell become a sad one.


First part of the programme: April 6-17 2015

Second part of the programme: July 22-31 2015


Belarus: meet belarusian environmental associations, visit the grounds of the planned nuclear power plant Ostrovets, workshop on permaculture, hike at Golubye Ozera, presentations, discussions…

Germany: visit an Urban-Gardening project, field trip to open-cast mining Lausitz, a day at a Community-Supported-Agriculture farm, visit a wind park, discussions…

Accommodation and food

We want to limit our ecologic footprint during exchange. Therefor we will travel by train. In Belarus we’ll be hosted in the ecovillage Podkostelok for most of the time. In Germany we’ll have vegan (no meat, no dairy products) and ecological self-catering. Since in July we hope for nice temperatures and we want to move around we will use tents most of the time.


You are between 18 and 26 years old.

You speak English.

You are interested in the topic.

You can take part in both parts of the exchange.

You want to have a great time with people from Belarus and Germany, you are open to discover the countries, to actively contribute, to learn, discuss and sit together.


250€ for German participants, 50€ for Belarusian participants (for both parts including travel, accommodation, food, program). Because of the support of the EU-program “Erasmus+” we are able to offer this exchange for this reasonable fee.

Application form:

If you are interested in participation please fill in the form in english till 20:00 Belarusian time 20/02/2015.